Opening Hearts, Changing Minds. Thinking outside the box.

I am here to jerk your mind.
I am here to pull you out of your comfort zone.
I am here to challenge your thoughts and beliefs.
I am here to call people out on their bullshit.
I am here to shine the light on injustice.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year. I Hope.

A very trying and tense 2011 is officially behind us.
Good riddance! Send it out with ten thousand loud bangs of the firecrackers lit beneath the street light at midnight.

Rampant foreclosures, joblessness, homelessness...I could run down the entire list of all that 2011 wrought  but we've been traumatized enough. No more! The door has closed and a new one has opened. Goodbye 2011!
Shut the door.
Shut the door......

The first new day of 2012 seemed to be heralded in with blinding sunshine and clear blue skies as I opened my blinds this morning.
How beautiful!
How hopeful! 
"Breathe deep. It was all a nightmare, you're awake now.," my mind attempted to say.
The words were drowned out by the sounds of the too loud video of 2011 that seemed to flow through my mind.
Frame by agonizing frame played as if projectile vomiting in slow motion.
Happy New Year....I Hope.
I hope....

There is something wrong about a bright sun-shiny day accompanied by clear blue skies and unseasonably warm temperatures that arrives on a January 1st of any year.  Its beautiful yet it feels like I do when I see a woman wearing too much makeup.
She's out of place.
Does she not realize she has what I think, is too much makeup on? Why is she trying so hard?
Is she hiding something underneath the layers she wears as her personal statement of beauty?
It's about trust.

Do you trust this woman that to you, raises questions or do you quietly observe her and listen for faint answers in the tone of her voice or in her body language that might give a hint of her true intentions, friend or foe? If you're like most of us you take the second route, quietly listening, quietly observing yet not trusting.
It was like that today, this rare and beautiful January 1st.
I sat here quietly observing. I listened.

For a special day like New Years Day, when the breeze stirred the paper that once covered the firecrackers, the acrid smell of gunpowder still clinging to its confetti edges, I was too wary.
Do I trust the warmth of the bright sunny day that just seems too bright?
Do I trust the clear blue sky that it won't suddenly turn black and pour down (nuclear) rain?
It's as if today in all its beauty, was too bright, too warm and too clear. It seemed to be wearing too much makeup.
It felt as if the day itself was trying too hard.
It was out of place.
Beautiful, yet unsettling.
Untrustworthy on its face.

A door has closed a new door opened.
Shut the door. Shut the door.....

Happy New Year.

I Hope.
I hope.....faintly.